Troop 301's
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Girl Scout Troop 301
(El Paso, Texas)
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Clendenin Elementary School, The Unicorns, is a great school in El Paso, Texas. Like many schools it faces much diversity, and challenges! In life there are times we are served challenges "lemons", Clendenin does a great job turning these "lemons" into Sweet Country Lemonade. As Troop 301 teams up with the Clendenin staff we have fostered a great Girl Scout program that encompasses what Community is all about, empowerment; empowering our girls to be their very best. 

We hope that you will join us in this adventure with our Troop and helping our girls make a difference in our El Paso community. No matter if you are a father or mother of a girl or not, your knowledge, expertise, or your a business that wants to help. You could be the key to success for Troop 301. There is a saying that it takes a village to raise a child... That is more true today than ever before.